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Compiling the iTest source code

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Requirements: Qt 4.3.x or a newer, binary compatible version

The are two ways to compile iTest:

  1. Use the build script (recommended)
    1. Download and install Squirrel Shell:
    2. To run the script, follow these instructions:
      1. Under Windows, open the "Qt 4.3.x Command Prompt" from the Start menu. Change directory to that of the iTest source code. Example:
        cd iTest-<version>-src
      2. Under Linux or Unix, open the terminal and change directory to that of the iTest source code. Example:
        cd iTest-<version>-src
    3. When the process finishes, you may run the program (the Server). You can do so by typing:
      ./iTestServer under Linux/Unix
      open under Mac OS X
      iTestServer under Windows
      For the Client, merely replace "iTestServer" with "iTestClient".
  2. Compile manually
    1. Download the source code (iTest-<version>-src.tar.gz)
    2. Extract the file (under Linux, you can do so by typing tar -xf iTest-<version>-src.tar.gz; under Windows, you can use tools such as 7-Zip or WinRAR)
    3. Open the terminal, if you haven't done so yet, and change directory to the newly extracted one (cd iTest-<version>-src)
    4. Type in the following commands, hitting Return (Enter) after each. The last one may take some time, especially under Windows or on slower computers.
      cd iTestServer
      qmake -config release
      cd ..
      cd iTestClient
      qmake -config release
      cd ..
      qmake -config release
    5. When the process finishes, you may run the program (the Server). You can do so by typing:
      ./iTestServer under Linux/Unix
      open under Mac OS X
      iTestServer under Windows
      For the Client, merely replace "iTestServer" with "iTestClient".