* iTest *
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* Version: 1.3.0 *
* Qt version: 4.3.2 *
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* iTest is a Qt application consisting of a Server and a Client designed for *
* easy computerised examination. *
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* iTest is distributed under the terms of the GPL v2, see details below. *
#include <QApplication>
#include "main_window.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);
QSettings settings("Michal Tomlein", "iTest");
QString lang = settings.value("lang").toString();
if (lang.isEmpty()) {
lang = QLocale::languageToString(QLocale::system().language());
settings.setValue("lang", lang);
if (lang == "C") { lang = "English"; settings.setValue("lang", lang); }
if (lang != "English") {
QTranslator * translator = new QTranslator;
translator->load(QString(":/i18n/iTestClient-%1.qm").arg(lang.replace(" ", "_")));
MainWindow * itest_window = new MainWindow;
return app.exec();
// ---------------------------- version changelog: -----------------------------
/* version 1.3.0 - a major update
- added Spanish translation
- added SVG (scalable vector graphics) support
- added multiple correct answers support
- added the ability to hide correct answers at the end of tests
- made the ui more flexible
- fixed a bug where the status of the test progress bar was not
refreshed after starting a new test
- upgraded from Qt 4.3.1 to Qt 4.3.2
/* version 1.2.0 - a major update
- renamed to iTestClient
- added Portuguese translation
- added the ability to start a new test
- more advanced test generation, support for groups added
- upgraded from Qt 4.3.0 to Qt 4.3.1
/* version 1.1.1 - a bug-fix release with some new features
- added Turkish translation
- if available, translation to the system language loaded by
- NEW ENCODING: UTF-8 - adds support for more languages and
special characters
- iTest 1.1.1 can still open old CP 1250 databases from older
versions of iTest
- older versions of iTest cannot open the new UTF-8 databases
from iTest 1.1.1
- upgraded from Qt 4.2.2 to Qt 4.3.0
/* version 1.1.0 - a major update
- added Russian translation
- added the ability to hide question names
// version 1.0.3 - a bug-fix release
// version 1.0.2 - a bug-fix release
/* version 1.0.1 - a bug-fix release
- fixed segmentation fault when connecting
// version 1.0.0 - the first release
This file is part of iTest
Copyright (C) 2007 Michal Tomlein (michal.tomlein@gmail.com)
iTest is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the Licence, or (at your option) any later version.
iTest is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public Licence for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public Licence
along with iTest; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.